Mare Cromwell - "Sacred Wo-Man Ceremony"

Namiddagworkshop 20 oktober



We hebben de eer om Mare Cromwell (uit de Verenigde Staten) te mogen ontvangen in België op 20 en 22 oktober.


Ze schreef de mooie spirituele boeken en channelings met Moeder Aarde: 'Messages from Mother ...Earth Mother"' en 'The Great Mother Bible".


Haar channelings met Moeder Aarde zijn verfrissend, leerrijk en vreugdevol. We kunnen deze boeken en boodschappen aan iedereen aanraden.


Op zondag 20 oktober geeft Mare Cromwell de namiddagworkshop "1000 Goddesses Gathering - Sacred Wo-Man Ceremony & Celebration" - rond het laten geboren worden van de Nieuwe Aarde doordat ieder van ons het Goddelijke Mannelijke en het Goddelijke Vrouwelijke in zich laat ontwaken en in balans brengt. Hier is wat ze zelf schrijft over deze namiddag-workshop.


On Sunday afternoon, October 20th, Mare Cromwell is offering a workshop that will shift into a 1000 Goddesses Sacred Wo-Man Ceremony. This ceremony is part of the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid  (  taking place around our Sacred Earth that weekend. Mare is the visionary and Co-Webweaver of this Unified Field of planetary healing.

The 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid is based on the Tibetan Prophecy that when 1000 Goddesses or Tibetan Taras unite, this will shift the tone of the planet from Fear to Compassion. This will be the third time that Mare has organized this significant Divine Feminine event and grid.

The ceremony with the Oneness Center on Oct 20th will focus on celebrating the re-emergence of the Divine Feminine and also call for the Divine Masculine to come forward to stand alongside the Divine Feminine to help birth the New Earth manifesting at this time. Those embodying the masculine are invited to participate to make a vow to support and protect the Divine Feminine and Mother Earth. That is why we call this workshop " Sacred Wo-Man Ceremony ".

We will also do Sacred Fire to support the transmutation of the older energies and woundedness within our human soul-bodies to shift into our Light Bodies more consciously that afternoon. And we will celebrate the trees, the water, the elementals, nature spirits and all of Mother Gaia’s beloved, beloved seen and unseen ones to support the full birthing of Oneness here on Earth.

This promises to be a fun, rich, transformative experience. All who attend will receive a healing and spiritual activation to be in more sacred relationship with Mother Gaia. Please join us.

Bring your drums, rattles, sacred offerings for the Fire (lavender, artemisia, cedar… herbs as you are spiritually called), chocolate to share – Goddesses need their chocolate and Belgium is known for some amazing chocolate!, something to sit on the ground (blanket, chair), water bottle, munchies to share, layers – depending on the weather (this is an outdoor event), and a good heart.

Mother Gaia is so excited about the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid and this ceremony in Belgium. Yay!!


Let wel: de workshop vindt plaats in het Engels. Er is geen vertaling voorzien.






Zondag 20 oktober van 14u tot 17u30


Mee te brengen:

Drums, ratels en offerandes voor het Heilige Vuur (lavendel, ceder, of andere heilige kruiden). Chocolade om te delen. Een deken (of opplooibaar stoeltje) om op te zitten.




Oudeweierenstraat 9, 3722 Kortessem, België




35 eur


Te betalen op rekening van de Oneness VZW : BE15 7310 1251 8530

De BIC code van deze rekening is: KREDBEBB



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